
The Annual Reflection of #FemLeading in Siem Reap Province

Publised Mon 06, 24
Having diverse young women participate in leadership will promote inclusiveness and equality for all!!
“Thanks to GADC for creating this project to provide us training, especially opportunities to implement civic engagement activity in the community, in which all of these have enhanced capacity, confidence and a strong network for all of us”, said by a young woman in an annual reflection of #FemLeading in Siem Reap province from June 8 to 10, 2024 with the participation of 51 diverse young women.
This is the first meeting of all diverse young women from Kompong Chhnang, Pursat, Siem Reap province and Phnom Penh city who came together to exchange experiences, what they have learned from the trainings as well as the knowledge from the whole project as the practical experiences to apply in their daily lives. Through this project, they share the pride of being women, the movement from social pressure, self-motivation, the courage to step out of comfort zone, non-discrimination, a safe space to be themselves, a strong network, break out the silent if there is injustice or negative mindset and developing their skills to become a leader in their feminist leadership journey. In addition, young women are committed to share what they have gained with their beloved ones in the community, especially encouraging other diverse young women to participate in the project if the opportunity arises.