
The Development of the ASEAN Guidelines on Placement and Protection of Migrant Fishers

Publised Tue 02, 24

GADC participated in the 2nd Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN Guidelines on Placement and Protection of Migrant Fishers on Feb 5-6, 2024, at Semarang, Central Java Indonesia. The Guidelines is developed to protect the rights of migrant fishers in the larger seafood industry throughout the migration cycle by setting out standard and plans for cooperation among ASEAN Members States and other key stakeholders including civil society organizations, migrant communities and associations, national human rights institutions private sector across the supply chain.

In this workshop, GADC among other Cambodian delegates provided comments on the draft guidelines by looking from gender lens on enforcement of legal provision relating to conditions of work in fishing and protection of migrant fishers and building capacity of labor inspection on gender sensitivity. These comments are accepted by the workshop.